Wednesday 8 April 2009


I just thought that I would pass on an observation that I made recently.

Snowflakes fall in random shapes. While that is not profound or even earth shaking news what is is that they really do fall in the 6 pointed star shape that is seen in the beginning of The Grinch!

They look beautiful. I was waiting for A's bus and I opened my cell phone to look at the time and I noticed one perfect snowflake on my black glove... Then I noticed that there were more of them. They were different sizes along with the fluff. I tried to remember the last time I had seen snow... Then I thought to my self when have I ever taken the time to really look at it.... I couldn't remember. So I watched my glove and stared with awe at the perfect snowflakes on my glove. I tried to get a picture of them. But it was not meant to be.

I've tried many times since to capture a single snowflake. This is the closest I have come. Not bad !!! One thing that you can be sure of is that next winter I will have lots of tries. and who knows...

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