Today A is taking over! These pictures are hers. She took them so I am going to let her tell you about them. And let her add some animal facts.
Hilo everyone and welcome to A's animals 101 and environmental awareness class! First facts...
1. Polar Bears actually have black fur! The sun reflects off the snow and onto their fur making them white.
2. When the bear gets on its belly and starts to slide in the snow, it is actually is cleaning its fur.
3. A Polar Bear likes to stomp on the ice because it is looking for buried seal pups that are in their dens under the ice.
4. When baby Polar Bears are born they are only about the size of your hand.
5. When the Polar Bear is in hibernation it looses most of its body weight sleeping.
6. There aren't many polar bears left in the wild today because the sea ice is melting.
7. You can help these creatures!
How you ask? by turning your lights off when you leave a room, don't leave your water running when you brush your teeth, changing to
eco friendly light bulbs, and recycle. Little things like those can help a whole lot!
Did you know that by changing only one light bulb to an
eco friendly light bulb can take out one ton of emissions out of the air.
And did you know that if you recycle your cell phones and bottles it will be reused to make other useful things. But if you just throw your stuff away it takes many years to decompose in a landfill.
Well I hope you enjoyed these facts. If you knew these facts then good for you ^-^ ! If you learned something new then I hope you are inspired to help wildlife and the
I want to be a vet when I get older! Please comment and tell me some facts of your own! I would love to hear your comments please! Thank you
soooooooooooooooo much for reading and if you do commenting! And class is dismissed! =^.^=